Browse below to find a wealth of easy, healthy whole food plant-based recipes for everything from main dishes to snacks, drinks and more.

Personal / General

Where did the name downshiftology come from?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

what autoimmune diseases do you have?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

What doctor do you see? Who do you recommend in the DFW area?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​


What kitchen tools do you recommend for someone just starting a healthy diet?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

Can I swap ingredients in your recipes?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

Blogging And Photography

What camera do you use?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

What do you use to edit your photos?

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

How do you even get started blogging?!

A- To obtain the Nutritionist title, one must have studied at a recognized university for four years plus a year practice (internship). The nutritionists are registered at the Conselho Regional de Nutrição (Regional Council of Nutrition). ​

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